Thanks for this historical perspective on what's going on in Ukraine and Russia. My question is why? And why the constant vilification of China as well? The deeper reasons for this, and their consequences, are really interesting to me.

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Hi Diana,

It essentially goes back to the end of the cold war when the Soviet Union collapsed, the Warsaw Pact was dissolved, and the economies of the ex-Soviet countries (including Russia) were in ruins. At that time the US saw that it had in effect won the cold war and as a result was the sole global superpower. As time passed it became progressively more assertive and the "neo-con" ideology developed by which it was considered that the US not only had the ability to control the world, but also the right to control the world.

Since then it has expanded its influence both political and military to that end (it now reportedly has over 800 military bases scattered around the world). A Congressional Library report prepared for hearings listed 251 US military interventions in other countries since 1991. Its military spending has expanded to now represent about 40% of global military spending,

To maintain that dominant position it (certain elements in control) feels that it needs to suppress any potential competitor which might in the future could challenge its global supremacy.

Russia has never been an economic competitor, but during the cold war was a military competitor. US has sought to consistently prevent its rise and the Ukraine project was part of that process.

Meanwhile the US has realised that China's rise has been much quicker than expected (both economically and militarily) and the US is trying to find a way of suppressing China's rise - through economic and trade sanctions, through technology sanctions and ultimately by trying to provoke some sort of proxy war between China and someone (eg Taiwan / South Korea / Japan / Australia).

The first step is of course to demonise the "opponent" / competitor - hence the vilification of Russia and Putin, and the vilification of China and Xi.

Of course this is all about the interests of the elites. The interests of americans would be better served by spending some of the $trillion defence and security expenditure on the real needs of America (health / education / infrastructure / etc).

If you google Prof John Mearsheimer (Uni of Chicago) his various interviews, talks and lectures provide excellent background. Likewise with Jeffrey Sachs (Columbia Uni).

I hope this helps a bit. Cheers John

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Hi John,

Thanks for that historical context. I'm familiar with Jeffrey Sachs and recently read some of John Mearsheimer's writing on the topic we're discussing.

I'm interested in the effect of BRICS and other bilateral agreements on the global context.

My sense is that the interests of the western elites is highly threatened by these agreements and Russia's and China's role in other countries and these newly formed alliances. I'm curious about your thoughts about them.



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This is the biggest piece of shit article written about Ukraine so far. It's just filled with lie after lie. Regurgitated crap from Russian state media. Too much to debunk in a single comment.

But seriously, shame on you for willingly spreading Putin's fascist propaganda.

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